Childbirth Classes

Babies By Nature childbirth classes are based on the Lamaze Six Healthy Birth Practices.
- Healthy Birth Practice 1: Let labor begin on its own.
- Healthy Birth Practice 2: Walk, move around and change positions throughout labor.
- Healthy Birth Practice 3: Bring a loved one, friend or doula for continuous support.
- Healthy Birth Practice 4: Avoid interventions that are not medically necessary.
- Healthy Birth Practice 5: Avoid giving birth on your back and follow your body’s urges to push.
- Healthy Birth Practice 6: Keep mother and baby together.
Adapted from Giving Birth with Confidence, 3rd Edition
These practices are designed based on years of research to simplify your birth process with an informed approach that helps alleviate your fears and manage pain. Babies By Nature childbirth classes are designed to give birthing parents the knowledge to make informed decisions and learn coping techniques during labor. Classes are primarily directed towards achieving an unmedicated birth; however, if you intend to get medications for pain relief during labor or just want to keep your options open, these classes are a perfect way to prepare for the many paths your birth may take. Each course consists of four 3 hour classes including:
Class 1 – The Mechanics of Labor & Birth
- Anatomy of the Pregnant Body
- Warning Signs in Pregnancy
- Exercise & Nutrition
- First Stage Labor (dilation & effacement)
- Real vs “False” Labor
- Second Stage Labor (pushing & birth)
- Third Stage Labor (birth of the placenta)
- Emotional Signposts in Labor
Class 2 – Laboring Positions & Comfort Techniques
- The Power of Movement
- Positions for First Stage
- Abdominal Breathing
- Quaker Listening
- Visualization
- Relaxation through Muscle Observation
- Unfocused Awareness
- Verbal Support & Encouragement
- Positions for Pushing
- Practice Labor Simulation
Class 3 – Choices in Birth & the Unexpected
- Pregnant Patients’ Rights
- Episiotomies
- IV’s
- Fetal Monitoring
- Inductions
- Risks & Benefits of Epidurals & Narcotics
- Elective Newborn Procedures
Class 4 – Postpartum & Breast/Chest Feeding
- Anatomy of the Breast
- Positioning & Latch-on
- Sore Nipples
- Engorgement
- “Is my baby getting enough to eat?”
- Pumping & Human Milk Storage
- Attachment Parenting
- Cord Care
- Bathing Baby
Class Options & Prices
All classes are taught as private classes at your home. Classes may be taken as a 4 class course, or you can combine classes into one or two days. In addition, you can take any of the classes as a private single class. Please contact me directly for scheduling options.

4 day PRIVATE Childbirth COURSE
An additional fee of $100 may be charged for classes outside East Atlanta.

$100 per class
An additional fee of $25 per class may be charged for classes outside East Atlanta.

Let’s Get Started
Contact Me For More Information